On August 2nd, 2019, I published my first novel, Gallery of Lies. I am excited, ecstatic, over the moon. This has been a 15-year journey. Yes, you read it right. Well, I didn’t work on it consistently for that amount of time; rather, I wrote the first scene 15 years ago.
Back in 2003, I sat in a training class for my day job and, bored with the instruction, I took out some notebook paper and wrote a love scene between two characters. That scene sparked the idea that I should write a book. Those two characters eventually became two of the main characters in my novel Gallery of Lies.
Guess what. In the final version of the story, that original scene that I wrote ended up getting cut. Maybe we’ll talk about why that happened in a later post. For now, I just want to thank everybody that listened to me talk about this book I’ve been writing for 15 years. I must acknowledge that instructor whose name I don’t remember that bored me into writing a story. And finally, I want to thank those two characters, for showing up and showing out in my imagination. Because of you, I have a published novel. Danke, gracias, merci, and thank you!